I’m starting with a clean slate and moving to Octopress.
Haskell source code highlighting appears to work out of the box:
import Data.List (group)
-- Datatypes
type Encoded = [(Int, Char)] -- An encoded String with form [(times, char), ...]
type Decoded = String
-- Takes a decoded string and returns an encoded list of tuples
rlencode :: Decoded -> Encoded
rlencode = map (\g -> (length g, head g)) . group
-- Takes an encoded list of tuples and returns the associated decoded String
rldecode :: Encoded -> Decoded
rldecode = concatMap decodeTuple
where decodeTuple (n,c) = replicate n c
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Get input
putStr "String to encode: "
input <- getLine
-- Output encoded and decoded versions of input
let encoded = rlencode input
decoded = rldecode encoded
putStrLn $ "Encoded: " ++ show encoded ++ "\nDecoded: " ++ show decoded
as does Scala:
import scala.collection.mutable
def countWords(text: String) = {
val counts = mutable.Map[String, Int]()
for (word <- text.split("[ ,!.]+")) {
val lowerWord = word.toLowerCase
val oldCount = counts.getOrElse(lowerWord, 0)
counts(lowerWord) = oldCount + 1
val text = "See Spot run. Run, Spot. Run!"
countWords(text) foreach println